The research group at geoLAB “Laboratory of Forest Geomatics” at the Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry of the University of Florence develop methods to increase our knowledge of forests and forest related resources.
Founded in 2000, it deals with research, training and scientific advisory of all applications of Geographic Information Systems, spatial modeling, remote sensing and geomatics supporting forestry and environmental management and planning.
geoLAB is equipped with top level hardware and software tools for supporting our daily research activities. geoLAB also created a spin off private Company BlueBiloba which is devoted to sale commercial services based on the know how created at geoLAB. Together geoLAB and BlueBiloba are hosted in the same building of the University of Florence and they share instruments and human resources.
Our resources include a drone fleet, different terrestrial LiDAR systems, precision GNSS, cloud computing based on multicore systems for BIG DATA manipulation, traditional forest survey instruments.
Prof. Gherardo Chirici, Scientific coordinator and Director gherardo.chirici(at)unifi.it
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