COPERNICUS@UNIFI is a project for the implementation of an interdisciplinar Research Unit at the University of Florence dealing with the application of remote sensing in different disciplines and in the framework of the activities of the Copernicus Academy.
The Research Unit is created with the following Departments:
Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI)
Earth Sciences (DST)
Architecture (DIDA)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA)
Information Engineering (DINFO)
Mathematics and Computer Science “Ulisse Dini” (DIMAI)
History, Archaeology, Geography, Fine and Performing Arts (SAGAS)
The Unit originated also trough a first conference held the 19th of June 2020 at the University of Florence in cooperation with Regione Toscana, and ISPRA (responsabile in Italia della rete Copernicus Academy). The streaming of the conference is available at the YouTube channel of UNIFI here: