An online webinar presenting Google Earth Engine and its applications

Firenze – 08 Apr 2021

Google Earth Engine (GEE) emerged in the last years as the most used platform for cloud computing of BIG (spatial) DATA, including a vast amount of data from the COPERNICUS services.

The event is aimed at contributing to create a network of users of the GEE platform applied to the different fields of remote sensing and spatial analysis.

The official video will be uploaded soon!

Official Schedule

9.30 – 12.50 Networking

– 9.30 – 9.45 Introduction to Copernicus Research Unit (Gherardo Chirici)

– 9.45 – 10.00 Copernicus User National Forum and marketing uptake strategy (Andrea Taramelli)

– 10.00 – 11.00 Introduction to Google Earth Engine (Noel Gorelick)

– 11.00 – 12.50 Case studies (complete list)

14.30 – 16.30 Workshop

– 14.30 – 15.30 Saverio Francini (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Università degli Studi del Molise, Università degli Studi della Tuscia)

– 15.30 – 16.30 Giulio Castelli (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Official Schedule here Google Earth Engine: networking and workshop day 

All the material will be uploaded here 

For more info write at [email protected]