An international winter school in a beautiful didactical center located on Italian Alps.
The school is focused on problem solving and it is oriented to PhD students and early-stage researchers.
The school is organized with traditional lessons on some of the most relevant issues such as: coding, forest modelling, climate change, advanced statistics, spatial analysis and remote sensing, publication strategies.
Most of the time is devoted to a laboratory work (atelier) in small teams. Participants are divided in small groups, each team focused on a specific topic. During the work each group, followed by a mentor (a senior researcher) will be guided to solve problems, finding the best strategy for transforming a scientific question into a successful publication, finding the best way to elaborate the data, a solid statistical approach to the investigation in order to present at the end of the week a proposal and a first draft for a scientific paper.
The atelier approach is aimed at developing problem-solving capabilities, team work capacities, publishing strategies trough the cooperation between different generations of researchers: from PhD students to senior scientists.
The best team work at the end of the school will receive a prize.
The cost is of 400 € for the whole week for each participant. The fees include accommodation and dinners, they exclude breakfasts and lunches.
Participants have to pre-register within the end of November 2021 HERE