Monitoring of tree traits and tree response to the environment can be integrated with sensor technology. High-resolution monitoring requires a frequent data acquisition, that generally results in hourly measurements for the definition of daily processes, then scaled at monthly, seasonal and annual levels, by producing very large databases. The TreeTalker (TT) technology is an example of a tool for forest monitoring that measures hourly and simultaneously tree parameters and environmental variables, by collecting 1032 attributes per tree per day (43 variables, such as sap flow and stem diameter variation measured every hour). Therefore, we present the TreeTalkersCheck R package built to facilitate the remote checking of the functioning of the TreeTalkers devices. This package contains functions to download, process raw data obtained with TreeTalker devices, and produces a report with all the alerts detected and a complete database with preliminary processing of the data. The package was tested on a database obtained by 60 TT installed on 60 trees in three sites in Tuscany (Central Italy).
We would like to congratulate Ilaria Zorzi for her first paper as the first author!

The full paper is available here
To cite the article: Zorzi, I., Francini, S., Chirici, G., & Cocozza, C. (2021). The TreeTalkersCheck R package: An automatic daily routine to check physiological traits of trees in the forest. Ecological Informatics, 101433.